Update on solar module sourcing

Sunprojects respects human rights and conducts business ethically and sustainably and supports human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Sunprojects constantly strives to elevate human potential through our products, partnerships and operations, something that cannot be accomplished without a fundamental respect for human rights throughout our operations. We demand the same from our suppliers. 

For the production of solar cells, silicon is fundamental. Approximately 50% of the Global supply comes from Xinjiang Province. A great majority of the large scale solar module makers source silicon from companies located in Xinjiang. The module suppliers with whom Sunprojects works belong to the top 5 Global suppliers and demonstrate an active role in this matter and are not shying away. Audits are being done, of which the results will be shared and most of them are public stock exchange noted companies and have extensive Code of Conducts and publish Social Responsibility Reports already.   

If there are any questions, please let us know.

Dr. H.J.A. Lambrechts