Net congestion solution: Sunprojects
Direct Lines: The solution to grid congestion! Sunprojects leads the way.
Recent news from TenneT highlights a promising solution to grid congestion: direct lines between generation and off-take. This innovative approach not only provides relief for a congested grid, but also makes power generation more efficient and sustainable.
At Sunprojects, we are applying the potential of this solution as early as 2021. Our solar park 'Het Oor' supplies energy via a direct AC line to the own grid of HTM Passenger Transport. As a result, a number of streetcars run on renewable energy derived from our solar panels. This national first project has provided us with valuable insights and experience in implementing direct power lines.
Case Study: Solar Park Groningen and UMCG
Our expertise expanded further with the construction of a new solar park in Groningen. This project is a perfect example of how direct lines can be used for local energy solutions. The solar park is connected to the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) via a threeën half kilometer long cable. This connection ensures that the solar energy generated goes directly to the UMCG business park without burdening the public power grid.
With an annual production of ten gigawatt hours, equivalent to the energy consumption of some'four thousand households, the solar park provides about 30 percent of UMCG's annual power needs. This collaboration between various parties demonstrates how a local and direct approach can be effective in solving grid congestion and integrating renewable energy sources.
Collaborating on Sustainable Solutions
At Sunprojects, we have now successfully implemented several projects involving direct lines between generation and off-take. These practical examples illustrate how we can contribute to solving grid congestion and deploying renewable energy more efficiently.
Our involvement with the solar farm in Groningen and the connection with the UMCG proves that local, direct approaches are effective. This allows us to offer customized solutions that perfectly match the specific needs of our partners.