Solar panels on noise barriers

ProRail wants to be able to fully meet its own energy needs by 2030. With NEWRAIL, in collaboration with TNO, De Haagse Hogeschool and Rijndonk Energie & Co, we are investigating the possibilities of installing solar panels on noise barriers along the tracks.

Sunprojects as contractor provides the design and realization in the first project: the Drontermeertunnel. If it turns out that solar energy can be generated safely and profitably in this way, it offers a unique opportunity to generate a great deal of sustainable energy and make optimal use of scarce space.

In the Netherlands, 550 kilometers of noise barriers have been erected along railroad lines. Another 150 kilometers will be added in the coming years. By installing solar panels, a great deal of sustainable energy can be generated. However, this must be done safely and not interfere with train traffic or the environment. That is why we are first gaining experience with the Dronter Tunnel. With this information, ProRail, but also other parties such as municipalities and Rijkswaterstaat, can develop such systems further.

Thorough research
On December 7 of this year, ProRail contracted Sunprojects. This contractor is responsible for the final design and realization of the solar panels on noise barriers at the Drontermeer tunnel. TNO and The Hague University of Applied Sciences will be examining the system over the next two years to see if it works properly. In addition, the Limburg cooperative Reindonk Energie & Co is involved as an advisor and there is coordination with the municipality of Dronten. A subsidy is available for the implementation from the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO).

Getting started
It is expected that the panels will be installed and working by July 2022. The first test results will be known in early 2023.