It doesn't get any better than this
At the moment, the RES regions are working hard to become more and more concrete in achieving the sustainability goals in the next phases. Society is intensively involved in order to increase support for the implementation of the plans. The local communities are now convinced of the necessity of the energy transition. They are also convinced of the efforts that society as a whole must make in this regard. If it comes closer to the immediate surroundings, there will be an almost automatic sense of reticence. Extra incentives are therefore needed to experience the same necessity when it comes to initiatives in the immediate vicinity.
To achieve the energy transition goals, all types of surfaces and environments are evaluated to realize for example sustainable energy generation with PV. This ranges from fields, roofs, facades, sound insulation screens, central reservations to water locations. What is generally preferred and thus automatically scores high on the energy ladders in the regions are still the rooftop locations. The number of recently built large roof locations of industrial halls and distribution centers are therefore designed so that the roof structure is also suitable for solar panels.
But not all existing roofs are currently suitable for solar panels. However much the opponents of field systems would like to pretend this is the case and thus misrepresent the facts. An even larger roof capacity of suitable roofs is needed to be able to contribute even more to the energy transition with solar projects on roofs. In addition, one of the pillars is the multiple use of locations for different functions. If these aspects are combined, solar carports quickly emerge as special roof locations. Energy generation is combined with a sheltered parking area and charging facilities to convert the generated solar energy into sustainable transport kilometers. In addition, in the case of combined parking and market areas, the carports can have a dual function of market stall and parking space.
It all seems too good to be true. This has been recognized by the government. In the most recent publication of RVO; "The Sunny Side of Parking" a proverbial lance is broken for this.
It is indicated that a potential of installed capacity of no less than 9,200 to 11,000 MWp is possible. If we compare this with the field area required to generate the same production capacity, this is more than an interesting option.
The RES regions of North Holland South and Rotterdam-Den Hague together already account for a potential of 2,300 MWp. In recent example projects, we even see combinations of energy projects that are also aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Two examples are De Meent in Alkmaar and the first CO2-neutral supermarket in the Netherlands located along the A6 in Almere. De Meent is a combination of a covered ice rink with a Solar Car- and Bikeport. The Solar Bikeport even has charging facilities for electric bicycles. The CO2-neutral supermarket has opted for a combination of a roof and a field arrangement with a Solar Carport tastefully executed in sustainable wood. In short, the possibilities are there and the first beautiful examples are coming more and more and bit by bit.
The carport at Almere
The big question is why then this ideal solution has not yet taken off in a much bigger way. The solution lies in increasing the financial incentive for the relatively expensive solution of carports of traditional roofs in relation to the difference in cost per Watt peak. Some regions have already realized this. Rotterdam has chosen to make additional subsidy available to exploit the large potential of Solar Carports. The province of North Holland is also making 1.5 million euros of subsidy available for solar panels above parking lots.
That this will have a positive effect is a realistic thought. A separate SDE category for Carports should be a logical conclusion. The government is busy and enthusiastic about the possibilities of Solar Carports and is investing in publications, tools and research. Now the final step is to give a push in the right direction in the interest of the many projects that will then also become financially feasible.
And to make the story complete come for the aforementioned desired citizen participation. Possibly then, through citizen cooperatives, the Solar Carports in residential areas also come into the picture.
It doesn't get any better than this.
Arnoud van Druten
Sunprojects Carports and Floating Energy