Tichelrijt - 13,2 MWp

At the beginning of this year, business park Tichelrijt and Sunprojects have set a new milestone, namely the realization of a large land-based project More than 28,000 solar panels have been installed on the vacant business park of Tichelrijt in Dongen. The development of the solar park contributes to the objectives of the energy agreement to derive 16% of energy needs from renewable and sustainable energy sources by 2023. In addition, provincial policy indicates that the realization of solar parks on undeveloped (business) sites is seen as a desirable addition to the sustainable arsenal. Additional, sustainable facilities will be provided for landscaping in and around the solar park:

  • Under the solar panels, water management, flora and fauna are spared as much as possible.
  • On the edge of the park young trees have been planted that will grow into a green fence.
  • Along the park there will be a fast bicycle route that makes it possible to move quickly between Oosterhout, Dongen and Tilburg.
  • Passersby can read about the park by the placed information board and park under the carport. There is also a seating area where one can quietly admire the park. 

The undeveloped business park now has 28,400 solar panels with a total installed capacity of 13.2 MWp. The annual energy yield is approximately equal to the annual energy consumption of 4,600 Dutch households.