Shopping centre Drogenbos - 1,8 MWp
A great example of collaboration and sustainability is the rooftop project that Sunprojects completed in Drogenbos, Belgium. The project is a great example of several independent installations on a contiguous roof. In collaboration with our partner Redevco, Sunprojects installed 5,074 solar panels, with a combined capacity of 1.76 MWp.
Unique to this project is the smart arrangement of the panels across the roofs of 11 independent tenants. These companies use the generated energy entirely for their own needs. This arrangement made the overall project possible. This would not have been profitable if 11 separate projects had been chosen. In this way, a contribution to energy transition does take place.
The annual energy yield of this project is roughly equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 600 Belgian households. It also avoids 1,142,240 kg of CO2 emissions per year.